„Pomoć izbeglicama i tražiocima azila u Republici Srbiji“- partner UNHCR

“Distribucija prehrambenih i ne prehrambenih artikala i pružanje pomoći za decu izbeglice i

migrante” – partner UNICEF



Već šestu godinu za redom, HCIT je podržan od strane Visokog Komesarijata UN za izbeglice na
projektu pružanja pomoći izbeglicama i tražiocima azila u Republici Srbiji, kao njihov
dugogodišnji izvršni partner.
HCIT svoje aktivnosti sprovodi na području AP Vojvodina sa posebnim fokusom na pogranične
oblasti uz mađarsku i hrvatsku granicu. U okviru ovog projekta, HCIT pravnici i saradnici za
zaštititu izbeglica informišu i savetuju sva lica u potrebi za međunarodnom zaštitom o mogućnosti
podnošenja zahteva za azil u Republici Srbiji, proceduri traženje azila, o njihovim pravima i
obavezama, kao i o svim drugim segmentima koji se odnose na njihov pravni status i boravak u
Republici Srbiji. HCIT timovi izbeglicama i tražiocima azila svakodnevno omogućavaju pristup
državnim institucijama uz dalju asistenciju i pomoć: u policijskim stanicama (pomoć pri
registraciji), u Domovima zdravlja i Opštim bolnicama, Centrima za socijalni rad kao i u matičnim
kancelarijama prilikom upisa novorođene dece u matične knjige rođenih. Pored ovoga, HCIT timovi
kroz granični monitoring i direktan kontakt sa izbeglicama i tražiocima azila na terenu,
dokumentuju slučajeve kršenja ljudskih prava, zabrane pristupa teritoriji kao i slučajeve kolektivih
proterivanja u Srbiju iz susednih država. Izuzetno važan aspekt našeg rada je identifikacija ranjivih
pojedinaca i njihovo upućivanje na adekvatne mehanizne pomoći u skladu sa važećim propisima i
procedurama. HCIT prevodioci za arapski i persijski jezik su na raspolaganju državnim insitucijama
i time podržavamo lokalne organe u njihovom svakodvenom radu sa ovom populacijom. HCIT
svakodnevno pruža i direktnu humanitarnu pomoć tražiocima azila koji borave na severu zemlje, u
improvizovanim kampovima u tranzitnim zonama, Horgoš I i Kelebija, na mađarskoj granici.


For the sixth year in a row, HCIT is supported by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on a
project “Assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in the Republic of Serbia”, as their long-
standing implementing partner.

HCIT is implementing activities in AP Vojvodina with a special focus on the border areas along the
Hungarian and Croatian border. Within this project, HCIT lawyers and refugee collaborators are
counseling all persons likely in need of international protection on the possibility of applying for
asylum in the Republic of Serbia, on the procedure of seeking asylum, on their rights and
obligations, as well as all other aspects relating to their legal status and residence in the Republic of
Serbia. HCIT teams, on a daily basis, are facilitating access of refugees and asylum seekers to state
institutions with further assistance and help: in police stations (help with registration), in Health

Care Centers and General hospitals, Centers for social work and in Registrar offices relating birth
registration. In addition, HCIT teams through protection border monitoring and direct contact with
refugees and asylum seekers in the field, are documenting human rights violations, cases of denied
access to the territory and the collective expulsion cases to Serbia from neighboring countries. An
extremely important aspect of our work is an identification of vulnerable individuals and their referral
to appropriate mechanism of assistance in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures.
HCIT translators for Arabic and Persian language are available to state institutions and thus support
local authorities in their everyday work with this population. HCIT daily provides direct
humanitarian aid to asylum seekers staying in the north of the country, in makeshift camps in the
transit zones, Horgos I and Kelebija, on the Hungarian border.

“Distribucija prehrambenih i ne prehrambenih artikala i pružanje pomoći za decu izbeglice i
Donator : UNICEF
Period implementacije: 01.01-31.12.2017.
HCIT je partner UNICEF-a od 2016-te godine. U sklopu ovog partnerstva uspešno smo realizovali
više projekata na teritoriji AP Vojvodine sa fokusom na pružanje neophodne humanitarne pomoći
deci izbeglicama i migrantima i njihovim majkama.
Trenutno HCIT implementira ovaj projekat koji je fokusiran na pomoć deci izbeglicama i
migrantima u tranzitnim zonama na granici sa Mađarskom. Naši timovi uz praćenje, redovnu
komunikaciju i izveštavanje pružaju najadekvatniju pomoć deci i majkama, u skladu sa njihovim
potrebama, u vidu garderobe i drugih ne prehrambenih artikala koji služe da ih zaštite od
vremenskih prilika i uslova u tranzitnim zonama. Takođe pružamo podršku u vidu prehrambenih
artikala za decu do pet godina starosti. Sva pomoć odogovara različitim uzrastima dece koja borave
na ovim lokacijama.

„Distribution and Outrach of Food and Non-Food Items for refugee and migrant children “
Funded by: UNICEF
Implementation period: 01.01-31.12.2017.
HCIT became a partner of UNICEF in 2016. We implemented several successful programs on the
territory of AP Vojvodina, focusing on the provision of necessary aid to refugee and migrant children
and their mothers.
Currently, HCIT is implementing this project, that focuses on aid provision to refugee and migrant
children at the transit zones on the border with Hungary. Through regular monitoring,
communication, and reporting, our teams are able to provide an adequate aid, to the children
and their mothers, that best responds to the needs identified in the field. This aid comes in the form
of clothing and other non-food items that serve to protect from harsh weather conditions and

generally harsh conditions in the transit zones. Our teams also provide food items for children up to 5
years of age. All the aid we provide is age appropriate and suits the different ages of children at
these locations.