Jan 2021
Apr 2020
Mar 2020

Due to the fact that a state of emergency has been declared on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, we would like to inform you that HCIT employees will work from their homes due to preventive. Translation services, counseling on registration and accommodation of refugees and migrants, as well as legal advice on expressing your intention to seek asylum inthe Republic of Serbia can be reached via phone and e-mail. e-mail – zmura@hcit.rs; acimovic@hcit.rs For Serbian and English, workdays from 08 am to 4pm Mob +381656177255; Mob +381643518605; Mob +381641934337 For......
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Dec 2019

Ratko Bubalo, President of the Managing Board of HCIT This is the year when HCIT celebrates twenty years of partnership with UNHCR. As the organization that has been an implementing partner of UNHCR for the longest time in Serbia, we express our gratitude for the support that we had been receiving from UNHCR in our humanitarian mission. Our mission was always dedicated to support the most vulnerable persons, in one-word forcibly displaced persons. Continuous support from UNHCR had enabled, not only our professional improvement but also specialization in provision of legal......
Pročitaj više
May 2017

Akademski rad na temu problema izbeglica na Balkanskoj ruti nastao kao rezultat rada HCIT psihološkog tima. Rad je predstavljen na međunarodnom skupu “Migranti u Evropi 21 veka” u Srpskoj Akademiji Nauka i Umetnosti. OPEN PDF FILE IN BROWSER...
Pročitaj više
May 2017

Tokom godinu dana rada, HCIT timovi na terenu, dokumenatovali su preko 200 slučajeva gde su izbeglice i migranati svedočili o kolektivnom proterivanju sa teritorija okolnih država u Srbiju uz onemogućavanje izražavanja namere i ulaska u proceduru azila u tim državama. Prevod na srpski jezik je u toku. OPEN PDF FILE IN BROWSER ...
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Jun 2016

Over the past nine months, the Psychological Team of HCIT has been providing services of psychological help and support to the refugees from war-affected areas passing the “Balkan route”, on the territory of Vojvodina. The team for the psychosocial support made contact with over 120 refugees who complained on different psychological concerns or someone from their environment recognized changes or unusual behaviors of them. While working with refugees, we have noticed significant differences in the type of complaints and symptoms manifestation between those who were “passing the route” and those who were......
Pročitaj više
Mar 2016

Dear friends and colleagues, WE are happy to announce that HCIT received much needed donation from International Rescue Committee. IRC was kind enough to donate to our organization following orthopedic products: 5 children mechanical wheelchair 40 mechanical wheelchair for adults 20 four leg walker, 20 peaces of aluminum walking stick, 20 pairs of aluminum forearm clutches and 15 pairs of aluminum underarm clutches for children This especially important and highly appreciated donation is intended for the most vulnerable refugees and by using these products we are hoping that we will be able......
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